
The construction industry is notoriously high-risk, with accidents and injuries a common occurrence. Pilot Angel, a b2c start-up, recognized the need for a comprehensive solution that enhances safety, reduces accidents, and improves productivity. Our patented technology, consisting of a wearable device and app, was the perfect solution.
Our team worked closely with a leading construction company to implement our technology, with a focus on real-time monitoring of worker alertness and the probability of intoxication. By tracking workers’ fatigue levels and alertness, Pilot Angel’s technology could predict the likelihood of accidents and take preventive measures before they occur.
The wearable device and app also monitored workers’ alcohol and drug consumption, alerting supervisors in real-time if the probability of intoxication was high, thereby preventing them from working in potentially dangerous situations.
The results speak for themselves. With the implementation of Pilot Angel’s technology, the construction company experienced a 35% decrease in accidents, a 20% increase in productivity, and a 15% reduction in downtime. The technology also helped improve the workers’ long-term well-being by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.
The success of this case study is a testament to the power of Pilot Angel’s technology in enhancing safety and productivity while reducing costs and downtime. Pilot Angel is committed to working with industry leaders to revolutionize the way we work and ensure a safer and more productive future for all.

Key points

User Testimonial

Jessica Simon
Pilot Angel’s technology has revolutionized our workplace. Their fatigue monitoring system has improved productivity and safety, and their intoxication detection has saved lives. We highly recommend Pilot Angel to any business seeking to improve employee health and performance.